From $19.95/page or $0.06/word
It usually takes about 5-10 minutes to get a quote by Email.
Discounts of up to 25%
Professional translationWe have translated over 30,000 diplomas and transcripts for use by many US colleges, companies and evaluations services. Our academic translations are also accepted around the world. We can now also obtain apostilles for your academic documents and our translations to be used abroad.
Certified TranslationAll our academic translations are accompanied by our official agency certification of translation accuracy. Most educational institutions and evaluation services require the translation that is professionally certified. Rely on our experience to get your certified translation that you need.
Credential EvaluationWe also offer credential evaluation services. Our evaluation reports are offered as 2 options: 1. document by document and 2. course by course. To learn more about our evaluation services, please visit this web page.
Our certified translations are accepted by USCIS, US courts, Secretaries and Department of State, professional boards, banks, US colleges, evaluation services, employers and other government, academic and private institutions.
As a corporate member of the ATA, we also offer ATA-certified or accredited translation at super affordable rates and fast turnaround times. Learn more. |
Credential evaluation servicesOur credential evaluations are performed by experienced credential evaluators who, among other places, hold related positions at International Departments of renowned US universities. They are members of well-known associations and are equipped with the most up-to-date resources and libraries.
How it works
In a rush? No problem! We offer expedited services:Priority: 24 hours or 2x faster - from $29.95/page or $0.08/word
Express: 12 hours or 3x faster - from $39.95/page or $0.10/word Urgent: 3-6 hours or 4x faster - from $69.95/page or $0.12/word A super urgent service of no more than 3 hours may be available upon request at $99.95 per page. |
The languages that we translate from and to: Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Russian, Italian, Japanese, Arabic, Hindi, Hebrew, Polish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Thai, Romanian, Dutch, Turkish, Greek, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Hungarian, Slovak, Slovenian, Albanian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian, Czech, Bulgarian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Korean, Farsi, Latin, Haitian Creole, Indonesian, Malay, Marathi, Tagalog, Javanese, Khmer, Lao, Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi, Tamil, Nepali, Telugu, Kannada, Dari, Pashto, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Georgian, Uzbek, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Turkmen, Mongolian, Kinyarwanda, Afrikaans, Amharic, Aramaic, Maltese, Catalan, Tatar, Yiddish, Assamese, Burmese, Swahili, Yoruba, Oromo, Hausa, Igbo, Zulu, Shona, Somali and other European, Asian and African languages.
Document types
- Diplomas - Transcripts - Reports - Grade cards - Certificates - School Records - Theses - Dissertations - Press releases - Educational Plans - Curriculum - Syllabi - Course outlines - Websites - Coursebooks - Workbooks - Books - Conference papers - Essays - Research articles and papers - Explications - Technical reports - Explanations of courses and subjects - Statements of Qualification - Letters of Enrollment - Qualifications report - and many more.
We are here to answer your questions 24/7.
Are all your translations certified?
Yes, all our translations are placed on our company letterhead and accompanied with our certification of translation accuracy. Are your translations widely accepted?
Yes, our translations are accepted by the USCIS, US courts, colleges, evaluation services, banks and other government, academic and private institutions. |
Do you provide notarization?
Yes, when you place an order, you will have an option to have your translation notarized. A small fee is applied. How do you ensure quality?
We carefully select the translators we work with. We look at their history, education, and experience. All our translators are qualified and certified. |
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Mon-Fri -10 am - 6 pm
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