Find out what US translation agencies charge nowadays
The most common rates per word |
The most common rates per page |
Highest detected rates in the US market |
Lowest detected rates in the US market |
Certified and Business translations $0.075-$0.10 |
Certified and business translations around $25 per page |
Certified and business translations $55 per page |
Certified and business translations $15 per page |
Technical translations $0.12 per word. |
Technical translation around $45 per page |
$0.26 per word |
$0.04 per word |
Certified translation |
Business translation |
Technical translation |
Medical translation |
Starts from around $20-40 per page or $0.06-$0.12 per word depending on the word-count, deadline and other factors. |
$20-$40 per page and $0.06-0.12 per word depending on the complexity of the text, volume, deadline and other factors |
Due to the complex nature of most technical material, rates are always higher. They usually start from $0.10 a word or at least $30-$60 per page. |
Requires greater detail orientation and attention. Rates start from $30 and go all the way up to $50 per page. |
Most agencies take about 24-48 hours to do 1-3 pages. |
10,000 words would normally take about 4 days. Expedited options are always available. |
Technical stuff takes more time. as it may require research. Usual turnaround time for 5000 words is about 72 hours or 10,000 words is about 4-5 days. |
About 24-48 hours for 1-3 pages. |
D&T Translations is offering the most optimal starting rate of $19.95 per page or $0.06 per word.
These rates allow us to provide an affordable service without compromising the quality. Keep in mind that good translators require good rates.